

Delivered by Community Music

In 2021 and 2022, the Foundation for Future London is supporting “Re:Charge” by Community Music through our Medium Grant Scheme.

This scheme is part of our new Westfield East Bank Creative Futures Fund, funded by Westfield Stratford City.

Re:Charge will use young people’s love of music to develop creative and digital skills that can lead to further training and/or employment, working in Tower Hamlets, Newham, Hackney.

About the project

Community Music will use young people’s love of music to develop creative and digital skills that can lead to further training and/or employment. Working primarily with young people experiencing the effects of social or educational exclusion, including those who have been through the youth justice system, CM will enable them to develop digital skills, musical creativity and personal skills through a year-long series of workshops and training. The music created will be showcased digitally online and final product will be mastered to professional standard.

Employability ‘soft skills’ such as group work, communication and problem solving will be threaded through the music training. Each young person will have a key worker to guide them through the learning process and mental health and wellbeing support from specially trained professional music producers.

Participants will also get next-step advice on education opportunities, apprenticeships and access to higher education through CM’s foundation degree in Music Production and Business. Completers can gain accreditation, access internships, meet professionals in the music industry to discuss their music and broadcast their best product online. They will leave with a clear idea of where they can progress to and how to get there with CM’s continuing support.

Take part

To take part, please contact or phone 07854331974.

For more information, see

Part of

Westfield East Bank Creative Futures Fund

Transforming lives and careers of people in East London

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Supported by

Westfield Stratford City

Westfield Stratford City is London’s most popular shopping destination by footfall, located in London’s fastest growing area

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