In 2024, Foundation for Future London has embarked on a new campaign to understand what ‘safer spaces’ mean to East London’s young people and under-resourced and marginalised communities.
The campaign will inform a funding application to support scale-out ‘bottom-up’ community change. Funding will be sought for a five-year, sustainable network across the four Olympic legacy boroughs with built-in co-design, capacity building and network development at its core.
The campaign includes:
The campaign is supported by partner Westfield Stratford City, community partners including Social Ark and the wider community.
26 Sept 2024: Photos and Update from our Safer Spaces Panel Event at Newham Music
7 June 2024: London Sees Annual Drop in Community Spaces with Brent Hit Hardest
27 March 2024: Next steps for Empowering Safer Spaces campaign
28 Feb 2024: Empowering Safer Spaces Consultation 12 March
Foundation for Future London revealed community spaces lost, Hackney Gazette, 30 July 2024
Watch our series of vox pops from our Safer Spaces panel event at Newham Music, Westfield Stratford City.
Empowering Safer Spaces playlist
What does safe space mean to you?
Why do we need events like this?
Why is work needed to ensure safer spaces?
How much is safer spaces an issue in the four boroughs?
Watch the video from our Safer Spaces community consultation at Streets of Growth, produced by Jack Taylor Gotch and Marlon Rouse Tavares.
Main Photo: Aberfeldy Live! Talkaoke by The People Speak
Create opportunities for people of East London