Press & marketing for grantees of Foundations Programme & Westfield East Bank Creative Futures Fund

This is a dedicated marketing resource for grant recipients of both of our main funding programmes for one project — the Westfield East Bank Creative Futures Fund and the Foundations Programme — advising on logos, social media, press and marketing support.
For marketing, we ask that you use the main Westfield East Bank Creative Futures Fund logo and also the three logos for Foundation for Future London, Westfield Stratford City and City of London Corporation. In total that is four logos — see below.
Download Logos:
- WEBCFF main logo
- Westfield Stratford City logo
- Foundation for Future London logo (JPG)
- Foundation for Future London logo (EPS for print & digital)
- City of London logo (JPG)
- City of London logo (EPS for print & digital)
We ask that you use all four logos on websites, print and digital marketing, social media asssets and other displays. Please only use these logos in full colour.
Branding guidelines
City of London has branding guidelines to advise on useage of its logo. We also have branding guidelines for the Westfield East Bank Creative Futures Fund. Please provide your designer with both sets of guidelines.
Other ways to credit our funding
If there is not enough space for the four logos, please use the following wording:
‘Supported by Foundation for Future of London’s Westfield East Bank Creative Futures Fund, funded by Westfield Stratford City, and Foundations Programme, co-funded by City of London.’
If you would like any advice, please contact Communications Manager Amy Zamarripa Solis on
Social media
Please follow us and tag us in your posts and we will share on our channels.
Twitter @fdnfuturelondon @cityoflondon @westfieldstrat
Instagram @foundationforfuturelondon @westfieldstratfordcity
Facebook @foundationfuturelondon @CityofLondonCorp @westfieldstratfordcity
LinkedIn @foundation-for-futurelondon @City-of-London
Sign up to our newsletter:
Website pages
Funded projects will be offered a unique project page on our website, plus organisation pages for all partner organisations. Please contact us to take advantage of this marketing opportunity. View all projects.
If you are doing press and would like a quote for your project from the Foundation, please contact us with at least one week’s notice before you plan to send out the release.
In your release, please use the wording to credit our funding:
‘Supported by Foundation for Future of London’s Westfield East Bank Creative Futures Fund, funded by Westfield Stratford City, and Foundations Programme, co-funded by City of London.’
You are welcome to use our boilerplates on your press release and blurb about the fund.
Foundation for Future London
Foundation for Future London is an independent charity created to connect communities, the new East Bank and its globally renowned arts, innovation and cultural partners to ensure East Bank is London’s must-visit destination and becomes a resilient, thriving, world-class neighbourhood of local and global significance. We’re fundraising to expand grant-making opportunities for East Bank communities and partners and facilitating creative placemaking, to support local places, learning, training and employment through arts, education, culture and innovation. Our vision is for a vibrant and inclusive creative East Bank, creating authentic engagement with local people of East London in the boroughs of Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest.
The City of London Corporation
The City of London Corporation is the governing body of the Square Mile dedicated to a vibrant and thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable London within a globally successful UK.
Westfield East Bank Creative Futures Fund
Westfield East Bank Creative Futures Fund is an ambitious five-year programme that aims to invest £10 million in to local communities of Newham, Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Waltham Forest. This flagship project will provide new jobs, learning, training and educational programmes through the means of arts, culture, innovation, public realm and creative placemaking. The programme aims to transform and catalyse the lives and careers of people in East London by putting funding, resources and support straight into local people’s hands. The fund is supported by Westfield Stratford City and delivered by Foundation for Future London.
Westfield Stratford City
Westfield Stratford City is London’s most popular shopping destination by footfall, located in London’s fastest growing area, and now has over 51 million annual customer visits. The centre has been a catalyst for the regeneration of the Stratford area, bringing around a million shoppers every week, as well as jobs, tourism and investment to the local community. As a group, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) has invested over £1.75 billion in Westfield Stratford City with further investment of £670 million on 1,200 new homes in the surrounding area. The Group investment continues to include significant public realm improvements and green space provision, from new pedestrian routes to sustainable open space. This has created environments people want to visit, live and work in – in turn bringing further economic and social benefits.